Rebates & Bargains

Executive Office Furniture Installation
We at Hoffman Office Supply have just completed another installation, this one at a local manufacturing company. An executive client wanted an upgrade from the furniture he had, so we designed a new office for him. This particular client had need for lots of storage in addition to workspace. This is what we came up with. […]

Installation in a Manufacturer’s Purchasing Department
We have another project to present. The client wanted to refurnish their purchasing department with the open concept being a priority, but could not sacrifice workspace to attain it. Knowing this, we looked at all of our options from multiple manufacturers, and none of them had the ability to do what we needed to do. […]

Break Room Installation in a Local Office
We would like to share out latest furniture installation at a local office. This installation was for a renovated break room area for the office employees. It included 6 tables, 28 armless chairs, 2 single lounge chairs and one loveseat. The tables are from the Kimball Office “Dock” series. Since this area will be receiving a lot of […]

Mega Clearance! JSI Tables For A Steal!
We have a mega deal for the end of 2016! JSI tables, heavily discounted! The features are as follows: -Heavy duty walnut-grained laminate tops -Durable PVC rims -Two dual electrical/data modules per table -Below surface electrical cabling -Table-to-table link-ready with electrical jumpers included -Cable manager on vertical leg of the table base We have […]

New Executive Conference Room Furniture Installation
We have a new installation to speak about. This particular installation had its own set of challenges unique to this client, namely the floor. Our task was to provide a set of 30 chairs, and 12 tables that work well together, but also match the floor. As you can see in the above pictures, the […]

Custom furniture installation.
We here at Hoffman Office Supply are particularly proud of this one. You can’t buy this piece of furniture anywhere, but our customer needed one, so we custom-built one for them.This was created using two storage shelving units designed for conference room storage, two end legs, and a very long top. When we were done, […]

Office Space Furniture Installment for a Local I.T. Department
Complete 23 Kimball Interworks offices in one room, two in another, three executive offices, two meeting rooms and a conference room all in a two week time frame? No problem! We admit this installation kept us pretty busy but we’ve completed as much as construction delays would allow. Let’s start with the 23 offices. Pictured in the above […]